Tech Driven IT Asset Management

We don’t believe that the adage, the reporting is only as good as your data, will hold for much longer. We should by now have ways to collect quality data and to clean and maintain existing data sources.  

Looking back at our past jobs in ITAM, the one thing we always felt was missing was the opportunity to perform deep technical, hands-on tasks. That’s not the case anymore, we think now we have the technology and the knowledge to make ITAM attractive to diverse technical people. Because it’s an interesting problem to solve. And, because right now, the possibilities are endless.  We can create challenges that require both a deep understanding of software licensing and sharp technical skills, whether it be software development or business intelligence.

We can use things like AI, blockchain, and APIs. We can connect to endless data sources and process terabytes of data in hours, and we can extract valuable insights from that data. Not just inventory but real intelligence. 

People in the industry are becoming more and more technical, always looking for ways to automate data processing and improve reporting. We love to hear about consultants that are writing their own scripts and we think the value they generate is enormous, many times saving weeks of work or hundreds of thousands in license optimization. 

One job we’ll see in the future is ITAM Data Architect, a person that deeply understands the customer’s landscape and can determine what data is needed and where. The kind of role that will define a customer’s data strategy, how we identify and clean data, how we integrate, and how we make data available to business users, in an automated way.

That will be a transition from today’s consultants to tomorrow’s architects. Same as system administrators became DevOps engineers with the adoption of the cloud, we think we’ll see ITAM consultants taking on complex issues and leveraging modern technology to resolve them.  

We would like to see technical people in the industry being more vocal, talking about the challenges they face and the creative ways they tackle them. The ITAM technology of the future is an ecosystem, not a monolith. It’s the collective work of thousands of experts, turning their knowledge into algorithms and data structures.
