Software Audit Trends

Software vendors often conduct license compliance audits of their customers to identify unlicensed usage and drive revenue through back-license fees or new sales. In 2023–2024, audit activity remains high – in fact surveys show it has increased significantly – and certain vendors are notorious for aggressive auditing practices. Below we present recent data on audit-related revenue and customer audit rates for major vendors (Oracle, Microsoft, Red Hat, Adobe, IBM, SAP, VMware, etc.), identify those known for aggressive audits, and highlight key audit trends in 2023–2024, with all facts backed by sources.

2023–2024 Audit Trends

Software audit activity has been rising in both frequency and financial impact in 2023–2024. Several industry surveys and reports confirm that companies are facing more audits and higher true-up costs:

The 2023–2024 period has seen a notable increase in software vendor audits and the financial impact of non-compliance. Vendors known for aggressive audits (Oracle, IBM, SAP, Micro Focus, etc.) have continued or even stepped up their efforts, while even cloud-era vendors still find ways to enforce compliance (though sometimes via different mechanisms). Companies are more likely than ever to face an audit – over 60% chance in a year (The Rising Cost of Software Compliance: 2025 Survey Highlights Growing Audit Frequency and Financial Impact on Businesses | Business Wire) – and those audits now often yield seven or eight-figure true-up demands (Study: Microsoft Is Most ‘Aggressive’ Software Auditor — Redmond Channel Partner) (FinOps targets SaaS as software audit costs spike | CIO Dive). Being aware of which vendors are most aggressive and staying prepared for compliance reviews is crucial in this environment.

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