Microsoft SPLA: benefits, drawbacks, and negotiation tips

Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) is a licensing program that allows service providers to offer Microsoft software as a service to their customers. This includes software such as Windows Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, and Exchange Server. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of the Microsoft SPLA program and provide some…

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Paid and free alternatives to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

When it comes to enterprise-level Linux distributions, Red Hat has been the industry leader for many years. However, with the rise of open source software and community-driven development, there are now a variety of free and paid alternatives to Red Hat that are worth considering. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best…

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What is the role of Microsoft License Mobility in moving licenses between on-prem and cloud environments?

Microsoft License Mobility is a Software Assurance benefit that plays a crucial role in allowing organizations to move eligible licenses between on-premises and cloud environments without incurring additional licensing costs. License Mobility simplifies the transition to cloud-based solutions and promotes flexibility in deploying Microsoft applications. The key aspects of Microsoft License Mobility include: TLDR Microsoft…

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Reduce risk while maximising ROI on your software investments

In today’s fast-paced and technologically-driven business environment, software is an essential component of daily operations. With the rapid expansion of software usage, organizations face the challenge of managing and optimizing their software licenses to reduce non-compliance risk while maximizing return on investment (ROI). This article will provide you with an overview of strategies to manage…

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Exploring RHEL Paid Add-Ons (with examples)

Introduction Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular choice for organizations seeking a stable, secure, and scalable Linux distribution. While the base RHEL operating system offers a robust set of features, paid add-ons can extend its functionality and provide additional benefits tailored to specific use cases. In this blog post, we will introduce several…

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Identifying VMware Version and License Key

In this post, we will guide you through the steps to identify the VMware product you are running and the associated license key. VMware is a virtualization platform that allows you to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical host. To determine the version and license key, we will use the VMware vSphere Client…

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Understanding VMware’s Licensing Model

VMware is a virtualization and cloud computing software company that provides a range of products and solutions for managing IT infrastructures. One of the most important aspects of VMware’s offerings is its licensing model, which determines how customers can use its products and how much they need to pay for them. VMware’s licensing model can…

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Identify Java paid components installed on your device

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide that includes code snippets and example outputs on how to identify if Java or Java paid components are installed on a device: Step 1: Check if Java is installed To check if Java is installed on a device, you can use the following command in the terminal: If Java…

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How to check if your Red Hat server licensed

Red Hat is a leading provider of open-source software solutions that offer a range of products and services for businesses and organizations. To determine the appropriate Red Hat agreement type for your business, you need to consider several factors, including the number of sockets on the device, the version of RHEL running, if there is…

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What is the role of Oracle License Management Services (LMS) and how to prepare for Oracle software audits?

Oracle License Management Services (LMS) is a division within Oracle that is responsible for assisting customers in understanding and managing their Oracle software licenses. LMS helps organizations ensure that they are compliant with their license agreements and provides guidance on optimizing license usage. One of the primary activities carried out by LMS is conducting software…

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The Advantages of Red Hat’s Socket-based Licensing Metric

Red Hat is a leading provider of open-source software solutions that cater to the needs of businesses and organizations worldwide. One of the unique aspects of Red Hat’s licensing metric is that they measure licensing by sockets rather than the number of CPUs. In this blog post, we’ll explain why Red Hat looks at sockets…

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Understanding Red Hat Agreement Types

Red Hat is a well-known provider of open source software solutions that have been widely used in businesses and organizations worldwide. They offer various agreement types that cater to different requirements of their customers. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different Red Hat agreement types and their features. Individual Subscription Agreement or ISA is…

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What you need to know about the Microsoft Product Terms document

The Microsoft Product Terms document is a comprehensive guide that outlines the licensing terms and conditions for Microsoft software products. It provides information on licensing models, pricing, and product use rights, among other things. In this blog post, we will discuss the Microsoft Product Terms document and its importance for organisations that use and invested…

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History of Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server, commonly known as Windows SQL Server, is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It has become one of the most widely used database management systems globally. In this blog post, we will discuss the history of Windows SQL Server and how it has evolved over the years. The first version…

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Licensing Q&A: How to determine the right sub for a Red Hat server?

Determining the right number and type of subscription required for your Red Hat server depends on a few factors, including the type of server, the software applications installed on the server, and the level of support required. Here are the key steps to determining the right number and type of subscription for your Red Hat…

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Understanding Red Hat’s Licensing Model

Red Hat is a popular provider of enterprise level open source software solutions, including the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system. Red Hat’s licensing model differs from traditional proprietary software licensing models in that it is based on open source licenses. In this technical article, we’ll explore the Red Hat licensing model in more…

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Licensing Q&A: Is Oracle Linux free?

Oracle Linux is available in two editions – Oracle Linux Standard Edition and Oracle Linux Premier Edition. The Standard Edition of Oracle Linux is available as a free and open-source operating system, based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution. It includes many of the same features and components as RHEL, including the Linux…

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Oracle Enterprise Agreement: benefits, drawbacks, and negotiation tips

Oracle is one of the world’s largest enterprise software providers, and the Oracle Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a popular licensing program that enables businesses to purchase Oracle software licenses in a flexible and cost-effective manner. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of the Oracle Enterprise Agreement, as well as provide some…

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Starter Guide to Creating an Effective License Position Report

An Effective License Position (ELP) report is a critical tool for managing software licenses and ensuring compliance with license agreements. An ELP report provides an inventory of all installed software and compares it to the licenses that a company has purchased. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create an Effective License…

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Microsoft Open Agreement: benefits, drawbacks, and negotiation tips

Microsoft’s Open License Agreement is a popular licensing program that enables businesses to purchase Microsoft software licenses in a flexible and cost-effective manner. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of the Open License Agreement, as well as provide some negotiation tips for businesses looking to make the most of this program.…

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